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WMD Legislative Updates
Three pieces of bipartisan legislation have been introduced into the United States House of Representatives, all of which urge the Biden Administration to designate illicit fentanyl a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
H.R.8030 would, “require the Department of Homeland Security to treat illicit fentanyl as a Weapon of Mass Destruction.”
H.Res.1172, “urges President Biden and the Department of Homeland Security to officially designate illicit fentanyl and analogues, including carfentanil, as a weapon of mass destruction.”
H.Res.1327, “expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that fentanyl-related substances is a weapon of mass destruction and should be classified as such.”
H.R.9162, “To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to designate illicit fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction, and for other purposes.”

Read Our Coalition Letter
“We urge you and your administration to adopt a comprehensive and integrated approach to address the danger that illicit fentanyl and its many chemical analogues (collectively “fentanyls”) pose to the American people. During your presidential campaign, you reminded Americans that we have to work together as a nation to save lives. One way you pledged to do so was to pursue public health programs and efforts to “stem the flow of illicit drugs, like fentanyl… into the United States.”

Sign Our Petition
Illicit fentanyl killed over 64,000 Americans in 2021, 175 people every day. Less than one percent of those deaths were attributed to suicide. Illicit fentanyl deaths continue to rise across the country, more than doubling in just two years. Fentanyl poses a serious threat to the United States public; it accounts for over half of all drug related deaths, and is now the number one cause of death among Americans ages 18 to 45. Inexpensive, easy to manufacture and easy to weaponize - fentanyl has already been used as a chemical weapon, we cannot allow it to happen here. Sign our petition if you agree!

Read Our Letter to the CDC
“The synthetic opioid epidemic continues to devastate communities across the United States. More than 100,000 Americans died by “overdose” last year and an estimated 70,000 of those were killed by synthetic opioid poisoning. As thousands more Americans die each month due to fentanyl poisoning, we write to express concern and to urge action to ensure that detailed, granular, real-time, usable synthetic opioid fatality, non-fatal overdose, and naloxone administration data is readily available.”

Read Our Indictment
“Defendants… did knowingly, and intentionally combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other to manufacture, distribute and possess with the intent to distribute mixtures and substances containing a detectable amount of the following controlled substance analogues…”